Godley Head
Taylors Mistake from the Godley Head track This is a lovely walk - one of our favourites. A long loop walk, through open countryside, with spectacular views, that offers a good workoput without ever being tough, it has almost everything one could want. It's on-leash for dogs, which may seem a shame, but the walk is across farming country and there are sheep around - and for much of the walk there are also steep slopes and cliffs where it feels a lot safer to have the dogs under direct control. In addition, the coastal section of the path is a popular jogging track, so there are likely to be be other, faster people around.who want to squeeze past now and then.
The opportunities for walks that take in Godley Head are considerable, for the area is part of the Crater Rim walkway, which runs for 25 km or more around the Port Hills. The short and simple version is an 8-9 km loop which includes the World War 2 gun emplacements on the headland, the beach at Taylors Mistake and a section of the ridgeline of the Port Hills. This can conveniently be started at any of the carparks - in Taylors Mistake, on Evans Pass, or at Godley Head itself. |
Including time to wander around the gun emplacements and admire the views, the whole loop should take asnything from 2 to 4 hours, but because of the range of patths available, you can easily make the walk longer or shorter according to wish. To extend the walk - and add a bit of challenge - you can also start it from the sea front in Sumner and take the Flowers Track and Taylors Mistake Track over the headland into Taylors Mistake. Whatever you choose, I can guarantee that both you and the dogs will enjoy it, and want to come back. Note, though, that from the carpark at Taylors Mistake onwards there's not really any water available en route (one useful but not always clean cattle-trough near the grassy path on Godley Head) - so it's sensible to take some water along for the dogs.
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